Daniel Ronen of UAVaid was invited to be the September guest speaker for the Frontier Tech Talks webinar series, on the topic of Embedding In Existing Systems.

The talk was aimed at sharing the lessons learned from UAVaid’s experiences in drone operations in Malawi, and specifically how the Hansard UAV system was so successfully integrated and embedded into existing systems. The Malawi project in August 2019 saw the Hansard system being embedded in the local medical logistics supply chain, mapping for local NGO development purposes and anti-poaching with the Rangers. This required not just a mix of technical capabilities, but also engaging with a range of stakeholders and ensuring the technology was appropriate and usable by different people.

As well as discussing the overall lessons, Daniel summarised the factors he believed contributed to the successful integration of the Hansard system in Malawi:

“The overall message that I hope comes through today is PEP: Preparation, Engagement, Perseverance. This was fundamental to everything we achieved”

Official webinar session link: click here

And to listen to the webinar itself, click here

About Frontier Tech Talks: Frontier Tech Talks gives sharp, short insights on the last Friday of every month about how to overcome the most common challenges in implementing frontier technologies — firsthand from the innovators we work with. It is part of the award winning Frontier Technology Livestreaming programme. More details here.